Tuesday, March 16, 2010


i went to seattle with jessica for our spring break. we went to visit our friend lauren aka “lo.” lo was one of my best friends when we lived in the kappa house and we have kept in touch and talk at least once a week. she moved away from albuquerque about two years ago and to seattle about a year ago.

i have always had a special connection with that rainy city. my brother stephen used to live there when i was a kid. my family and i would visit him often. it is a fabulous city! he was a doctor and worked with prisons and people with AIDS. he was a smart smart man. he passed away when i was a sophomore in high school. it was really hard for myself and for my entire family. that was last time i was in washington; to go to a service for him and help clear out his condo. seattle will always remind me of him.

the last time we actually went, i was in high school but we didn’t tour or look around the city like we once had. so for me, this spring break trip would be like reopening a chapter of my life that i once considered closed.

the trip was great. we did a lot and saw a lot. and of course we did plenty of touristy things. things i once had done as a child but got to see with new adult eyes. we went downtown, to pike’s place market, to the freemont troll, to the beach, to ikea, the university of Washington campus to visit their greek row (the kappa house was wonderful) and just to local restaurants and bars.

it was amazing to see all these areas and sights with virtually a new pair of eyes.
and it was weird to me. i remember absolutely loving every little parts and area of that city… but for some reason it was a odd this time around. everything was how I remembered but i just was able to see things differently and i’m not sure how much i liked it. as i think about it now, i can’t help but think that my love for the city had a lot to do with my brother. he was such a cool person and i used to look up to him when i was younger. maybe that was the appeal of the city.

i went to seattle with the thought of moving there. scoping everything out as if i were going to live there soon. i did this because i really actually contemplated moving. but for some reason being there this time, i couldn’t actually picture me living there. and just saying this and admitting this is freaking me out because this was always the place that i wanted to live.

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