Monday, March 1, 2010

greek week...

i went to see the girls perform at greek sing. they did so well. i am so preoud of them.

it is a really odd feeling going back to the whole greek scene after being gone for a year. i loved every single moment of being an active kappa. and once it is over it really feels like there is absolutely no going back. and i think definitely think it is something in me. i think too much and i feel like people are asking "why is she still coming to these things?" when i feel like they could care less.

but all in all it was great. small group was wonderful. they all had tutus on and it was really cute.

oh and theme was DISNEY... what could be better. i waited four years while i was in kappa for the theme to be disney and then the year right after i graduate then they decide to do that. go figure.

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