Tuesday, March 9, 2010

disney post #2...

some days i wish i had never left to experience florida. and not in a way in which i regret that decision but in a way that i wish i was still there. i wake up some days and STILL expect to see my korean roommate in the bed next to me. or the random smell of SPAM in the morning. it makes me sick sometimes because i just wish that was still my life. it’s somewhat difficult to explain to someone who has no idea what i experienced but i try so hard each day and i will try now.

my third and last placement wound me up in main entrance merchandise at the magic kingdom, which was hardly merchandise at all. this job would encompass locker, wheelchair, ecv, and stroller rentals; along with cleaning strollers, stacking them in piles of 5 and also selling some small merchandise. i was very upset with this placement because i had loved working at epcot so much. i also heard horror stories about working in “strollers,” which it is known as around the disney community.

but when i got there, my entire world changed. i met some of the most wonderful and loving people here. and in some weird and crazy way, we all became family. we all have different backgrounds. we all have different lives. we all have different cultures. but it worked. and that’s what i think i miss the most. i can literally say this was the best time of my life. everyday was a new adventure and being a cp (college program praticpant) it really was. somedays we closed the park at 4:45am (this is not a joke) and others we had to be in at 6:00am (this is also not a joke) but it all never seemed to as bad because we were all together.

we adopted a song. a motto…. “we’re all in this together.” it comes from high school musical. and it worked so well with all of us. we were all in it together. and we will always have that…. “the time of our lives.”

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