Monday, March 22, 2010

another disney post... part1

i decided that i really wanted to try to recollect all my memories and feelings from my college program. so i am going to try to break up my time and write a few post-disney journal-like blog postings.

i honestly didn't think my life back home was going to be like this. i didn't think i was only going to want to think and talk about disney and all my friends i met there, but it turns out i do. i also didn’t think that this was basically going to be a blog about disney. but it turns out it kind of is. and so it is….

i left my home and my true loves in new mexico on august 23. i'm going to go ahead and say that was one of the hardest and most emotional days of my life thus far. i woke up at my dad’s after packing all night and headed to my grandma’s to pick up my mom so both my parents could drop me off at the airport. i still had to pack and repack some of my things so i was a little stressed out and didn’t really have time to be that sad.

may i add, two nights before my best friends all had a going away party for me at micki and les’ house. which was absolutely amazing and wonderful and so much fun. i got to hang out with all my friends and have one last wonderful night before i was off to florida. the next day i had a lunch at which wich and got to say bye to my best friends in my life (micki, les, ashley, jess, danielle s., sara and rach) then i got my hair cut and went to say bye to dez and erin. the night after, which was the night before i left, my family had a going away bbq at my grandma’s. that was also so much fun but also very bittersweet. i think i cried every time i looked at my dad and every time i had to say bye to someone.

back to that morning… we headed to the airport and i had tears in my eyes the entire drive there. even as i write this my eyes welt up because it was one of the hardest mornings. we checked in and got to sit together because we had about an hour to waste. when it was time to get up and say bye, i completely broke down and couldn’t even breathe. my dad hugged me and immediately walked away. he couldn’t even say bye or look at me, which broke my heart even more. my mom tried to make me feel better and talk to me but it wasn’t helping. i eventually just had to walk away, completely sobbing. the security guard lady who checked my id gave me a tissue and could tell that i was saying goodbye.

i walked through and waited at my terminal. sunglasses on. tissue in hand. anna called me and tried to cheer me up but it wasn’t really happening. i then boarded the plan and realized as i was sitting there that there was no turning back and that i was going to have to try to embrace my time and make it the best i could. once i got to florida, it was a lot better. i talked to my parents and i wasn’t as sad as i originally was. i met up with nichole (my first roommate who i met during the summer and became good friends with through facebook) and we headed to the hampton Inn to meet up with sydney and bethany our other two roommates.

we all went to dinner with syd’s parents and then went back to the hotel to hang out and get to sleep. i skyped with my friends (les and ash) and then went to sleep.

the next morning we all woke up early and got ready and headed to vista way to check in. we got a 2 bedroom apt in chatham square. the first couple of days were a blurr. we went to casting, which was in a cool disney building that was alice in wonderland themed. we also attended traditions (the class that everyone has to take before they start work at disney. it gives the history and information about the past, present, and future of the company). we also took a few trips to walmart and got stuff for the apartment.

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