Friday, April 16, 2010

disney interview: numero dos ....

yes. i know. i don't know why i just applied again for another disney college program? well actually i do know why. i was sitting in my room and i was skyping with danielle. we were both REALLY REALLY frustrated because neither of us have job right now and we had been applying for jobs around town with no luck.

it was like 1 am. and i was sick of it... so i went to the disney college program website... filled out the application which took like an hour and then called the next morning and made a date for a phone interview.

the interview was today. i was a lot less nervous for this one... which i don't think was that great. the last time i was at my desk with a mirror in front of me (which they suggest) and i was smiling. this time, i was on the couch and i felt like i didn't do as good of a job as i would have liked to.

i mean honestly, i don't know if i will actually accept the role if i do get in but it was just a random idea and i went with it.

i guess we'll just have to see what happens...

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