Thursday, April 22, 2010

another disney post.... part 3...

my first day of training was fun… it was discovery day and we got to learn about epcot and walk around the entire park and learn a little about the countries and the food and wine festival. the second day we all met in our costumes (the flag shirt and white shorts) and sat in the odyssey and learned specifically about the festival. i sat with kyle (the most amazing bf i could have asked for) also with phil, janie, and another older woman. it was so much fun. we all laughed and talked and had a great time. i loved every minute of it, when it was boring we all made it fun and funny. the second day of training we were split into smaller groups and were given a more in depth tour (like where all the break rooms for merchandise only were and also where to clock in). i was also with kyle and we were the youngest so we got to hang out with older couples who were so nice and fun. hugh, becky and jason were our trainers and it was too fun. we even got to go the 3rd floor of the land (which at that time was closed to the public) for more training.... we even go to open wine bottles.

the festival started on september 24, which was the soft opening and cast preview. it was a great day. nothing was really open yet so we got to hang out and give out stickers to the guests.

my time at the festival was amazing. every part of it. being in merchandise there were 5 possible locations that we could have been to work… beer hop, new york wines, canada, morocco, festival welcome center (wonders bar, book nook, …). in the beginning i was always at the morocco tent. and i loved it. i worked with the most wonderful people and the environment was wonderful. that was what they were most known for. later, they started moving me around.

the welcome center was in the wonders pavilion which it was formally known as. that is where they had the body wars ride and stuff like that. when the festival isn’t going on the building is closed.

they started putting me in the welcome center a lot. and i loved it!! i got to work with all my favorite people and even got really close with our zone checkers (the group of girls/ladies who helped us out, they weren’t the managers but they acted like it and closed out the areas with us and helped us open them and basically were wonderful).

during this time, my friends micki and her boyfriend joe came to visit. then my friends shay and todd came to visit it also. it was a nice mini vacation even though i didn't actually go anywhere.

Friday, April 16, 2010

disney interview: numero dos ....

yes. i know. i don't know why i just applied again for another disney college program? well actually i do know why. i was sitting in my room and i was skyping with danielle. we were both REALLY REALLY frustrated because neither of us have job right now and we had been applying for jobs around town with no luck.

it was like 1 am. and i was sick of it... so i went to the disney college program website... filled out the application which took like an hour and then called the next morning and made a date for a phone interview.

the interview was today. i was a lot less nervous for this one... which i don't think was that great. the last time i was at my desk with a mirror in front of me (which they suggest) and i was smiling. this time, i was on the couch and i felt like i didn't do as good of a job as i would have liked to.

i mean honestly, i don't know if i will actually accept the role if i do get in but it was just a random idea and i went with it.

i guess we'll just have to see what happens...

Friday, April 9, 2010

another disney post.... part 2

the whole process was fascinating. disney is such an intense company and i was just still so freaked out that i actually was going through with it all. i was given my location (merchandise in DINOLAND, USA) (GAG ME NOW!!!) i was so sad when i was given that because it is like the trashy part of disney world. i then went to DAKlamation (animal kingdom orientation) and had about 4 or 5 days of training. i got trained on the registers and also in photo. photo is when you ride a ride and there is photo taken at the end. well i was the one who edited and sold the photos for dinosaur the ride. that was probably my favorite part of what i was going to be doing.

the first couple of weeks i absolutely HATED every minute of it. all of it. i would get really annoyed with my roommates. i was missing my friends SOOOO much and i couldn’t even put into words how much I missed my family, especially my parents and grandma. if i was at my apartment i was either asleep, watching tv or on the phone with someone from back home. i would cry every single night and was planning which day i would leave to go home for good. i also disliked dinoland. a lot. the people were all really weird and i couldn’t talk to anyone and i felt like my bosses were all fake and crazy. the weather was horrible (sooooo humid) and i hated the way i looked in my costume. they were absolutely horrible and unflattering and ugly. everything from back home was so much more appealing and everything I was going through just seemed that much worse. some days were better than others. i went shopping with my roommates a couple times and even once by myself and that was fun but the bad days seemed to outweigh the good ones.

one day, i had a really sad status on facebook (my only one actually) and bethany came home and said she saw my status and told me she felt the exact same way. and we decided then and there that we would do all we could to make our time worth it and start going to the parks and having a better time. that night we went to fantasmic.

while i was working one day, i checked my schedule and it said that i had training and epcot for the food and wine festival. i was actually pretty annoyed when i saw that because i was JUST getting used to dinoland and now they were sending me to epcot for something new.

so I finished my last days at dinoland and started epcot…. little did i know epcot would be EXACTLY what i needed to make my time more enjoyable.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

real housewives...

i can't begin to tell you how much i love bravo. i love every bravo original show especially real housewives. i love real housewives of new york, i love real housewives of oc, i love real housewives of new jersey and i love real housewives of atlanta. i can't get enough.

i know this is a random post but i just really needed to tell someone.