Saturday, February 27, 2010


i know i have been moving in since february 1st. but today i'm realizing that my entire room is actually coming together. good.

today my dad and my brother-in-law came and brought my dresser. it looks great in my room with my other pieces of furniture.

(i moved in with two of my best friends and one of their cousins. it's a good time.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the office...

so the office has always been one of my favorite tv shows, but today i have just been watching the seasons and i have completely fallen back in love with it. it is just such a wonderfully witty show. i laugh. i cry. i love it.

i can't wait for the new one next thursday... :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

disney college program... one of many posts.

the minute i saw these posters go up, i couldn’t help but get sad yet a bit proud. i am completely aware that my disney college program ended and yes, it was one of the best times in my whole entire life, but the posters sure brought me back to one year ago when i was going to the presentation and the thought of actually going to florida to work for disney was a mere dream.

“The Walt Disney World College Program is a U.S. national internship program operated by The Walt Disney Company, located at the Walt Disney World Resort. The Walt Disney World College Program recruits students (18 years and older) and all majors for a semester-long paid internship program working at the Walt Disney World Resort.” -Wikipedia

"The first Walt Disney World College Program began in 1981. In the early days, the College Program consisted of just over 200 students from 20 schools working in only one theme park, the Magic Kingdom. At that time it was known as "The Magic Kingdom College Program". In 1983, program participants could work at Epcot as well as the Magic Kingdom and the program was known as "The Walt Disney World College Program", employing approximately 500 college students each 3-month spring, summer and fall session. From the beginning of the program until 1988, almost all program participants stayed in an off-property mobile home park called "Snow White Village Campground" (the remainder in Lake Vista Village apartments) in Kissimmee, Florida. 1988 saw the opening of Vista Way apartments, which were much closer to the participant's employment. Following the resort's massive growth in the 1990s and the widespread popularity of the internet, the College Program has grown substantially, seeing three new participant housing complexes built and many more colleges represented. As of 2005, 8,000 students have participated each year representing at least 301 colleges and universities with an average of 4,000 students at any given time."-Wikipedia

i was at the presentation one year ago and applied and got in by march 2009. my program was for fall 2009. i moved to florida august 23rd and left january 8th. those four an a half months were some of the best and worst times i’ve ever experienced in my life. i got the opportunity to work in three locations (dinoland in animal kingdom, the food and wine festival at epcot and lastly and best stroller and wheelchair rentals in magic kingdom.) i got the chance to meet people from around the world. and not only meet these people but also become family. i absolutely fell in love with some of my coworkers and only dream about the day that we are reunited.

shutter island...

going to see shutter island with danielle. getting there 30 minutes early to find out it was sold out and needing to come back an hour and a half later. here’s what we do to pass time… boston’s.

by the way, it was an incredible movie.... kinda weird and thought provoking. but very good.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


one of my christmas/birthday gift from my dad came in today. thanks dad…

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


i’ve been really into makeup again. i was really good at keeping up with the latest trends and products in sephora and mac, but lost interest when i joined kappa. but lately I’ve been back into trying out new things and getting new products. today i went to sephora and got a few cool things.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

2nd week..

valentine’s day this year was one of the best. i personally believe that you don’t need one special day to show the person you care for how much you love them, so i like to treat it as any other day. i’m in no way bitter because of the fact that i don’t have a boyfriend, just to clear this up. so for valentine’s day 2010, i celebrated my birthday with my family. we all went to my dad’s house and ordered dion’s. it was a great way to spend a sunday and an even better way to spend valentine’s day.

there is nothing more exciting and comforting than my seeing my nieces and nephews smiling, laughing and having fun. that really puts a smile on my face.

i am such a family person. i have always and will be forever. i absolutely love spending time with them. i could spend everyday with them. i think i realized this more so when i was away in florida. i didn't realize that being away would be so hard... i obviously knew that i would be hard to be away from my parents and grandma but it was really hard to be away from them all.

i am really happy to be home and to be able to see my nieces and nephews grow up. it's amazing how fast time flies and big children get... i feel like i am starting to sound like a grandma, but it's true.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

my birthday...

my 23rd birthday actually turned out how i thought it would. my birthday was laid back and perfect. i went to lunch with my mom, dad and grandma at elephant bar. then my mom, grandma and myself went shopping. it was very relaxing and an overall good day.

that night i went out with my closest friends. we went downtown to one up. the wait in line to get in, was actually longer than the actual time we spent inside.

after the bar closed we went to my friend jazmin’s. many random adventures took place here.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

almost there...

my birthday is in TWO days. and for some reason, this year, more than others, i'm just not that excited. maybe it come with old age... haha. it doesn't feel like a whole year has gone by but on the other hand, it seems like five whole years have gone by. i guess this is natural.

my 22nd year has been one heck of a time. and i just hope 23 can live up to it.

i guess we'll see in two days.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

first time...

i'm starting this blog for my class. but it couldn't have come at a better time, being as though my birthday is this month.
i am going to take this opportunity to keep a journal like blog for my 23rd year on the planet.

my 23rd year begins february 12th. as for now, i will be finishing out my 22nd year and preparing for the next. stay tuned.